Wednesday, March 19, 2008

People in my Life...

People in my life are very positive and negative. But I'm not going to talk about the negative because it never helps. I have friends that support me in what I want and family that wants the best for me. Since I have been attending PLC I have had teachers and facality support me in furthering my education in order to make in life for me and my kids. People that I meet and I tell my life story to always show a positive reaction to me wanting to keep going and that's exactly what I want to do. I know it may take some time to do because I do have other responsiblities but I plan to make a life to better me so I can have a positive attitude about myself, my family and my choices.

My Attitude @ my Service Learning...

I would have to say that I have a positive attitude in my service learning because I am surrounded by children who want to learn and teachers who are willing to share their life with these growing children. I can't say that it is positive all the time because the children sometime disappoint me by their negative actions. Yet, I always try to brush that off and show that having a positive attitude is the best thing to have even though my life is not always that way. Being in this atmosphere is always pleasing because Mr.Mize is always content and happy no matter the situation. I hope when I find out what career I want that I choose to be that way in order to make my career a positive one.

My Attitude

I would have to say that my attitude is negative most of the time especially when bad situations creep up on me. Such as I just found out that Augusta State University has denied me because SAT scores, but I always have positive feedback from my friends and family that support me going to college. I also so have negative attitude because I get aggravated because I feel like my parenting might not be good enough, but yet again I have my family, friends and school faculty that supports and helps me when I do have questions about my child. I guess I can say that my attitude is negative but I have a lot of positive surrounding me.

I'm not sure anymore...

With this experience in being in a Elementary School I have figured out that I would not make. I think that I would literally fall apart. I can't say that is the children because children will be children, but I can say that I do not have the patience to deal with children this age, and if I was to go into this profession that I would have to deal with a older crowd. As being a teacher you have to have patience and have a high tolerance for children of this age group. While attending this school weekly I have noticed that children are very curious and don't care what they ask you. ( Ex: Today one of the students asked me "was I married". I said "No" and the student asked" Well if you are not married? How did you get a baby" and all I could was laugh because I could not answer the question.) I think that right now I am unsure what I want to be after this experience, but I do know that I do not want to be a Elementary Teacher at this moment in time... but maybe one day in the future I will change my train of thought.

Air in the Work Place

I found the Young Worker Safety and Health Network, and their mission is to make sure that each young person is being educated about a safe work environment. They want to make sure that each U.S worker is in safe environment while working to survive in our country. This program is focused on the youth of 18 years old and younger that have and are trying to get a job. They want our youth to know and be educated on their rights in the work environment. Not only do they want them to know their rights; they also want them to know the health and safety issues of their work environment. There are many people who are behind our young people to educate them about our work place now we as young people have to take the chance of learning and taking the time to listen in order to better ourselves in the workplace.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Being a teacher in a school I would say that it can be dangerous just because of the students. Now in days children have larger thought about what people think or say. There have been many accidents of students bring guns to school because of their peers reactions towards them. I also think that it can be hazards because just because we are teachers doesn't mean that our feelings disappear. Many things that students say can cause us to react in a negative way and we not even mean it. There are also obvious hazards at school such as if you run in the halls there is a possibility that you could get injured, and if your shoes are untied you could trip up. Yet in a school there are always ways to avoid hazards by being safe and aware of other peoples feelings.

Week 7

I would have to say that being on time, calling if I'm not going to go in, and keeping up with my time record is all part of organization. Yes, I would have to say that I would love to put that on my resume that I can be responsible for my actions. Right now I have no unique skills that I can point out just because now in days I have been "irritated" and that's something that I don't want to put on my resume. I have realized that I do not have the patience to work with "Elementary" kids. I'm thinking about Middle/High school just because kids that age know right from wrong. I have also realized that dealing with other parents and their children can be quite difficult depending on the parent and their dedication to their child(ren). Personally to me it makes me more comfortable if both the parent and child were at a understanding point that way I just don't have to talk to the parent. I can talk to both parties in order to try to resolve the problem.